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Raúl Roca, of Estiriateam:

"We continue to grow, offering our consultancy services to help develop the marketing of any fruit at an international level"

"One of the world's best mountain apples is grown in the heart of the Austrian region of Styria, and after eight months of campaign, we still have stocks of Golden, Fuji, Royal Gala and Evelina, among others, which will be available for two or three more months through the Spanish company Estiriateam," says Raúl Roca, CEO of the company.

"I founded Estiriateam almost ten years ago in partnership with Kropfl Obstandel, the largest fruit company in Austria, to facilitate the commercial development of the mountain apple from the Austrian Alps, which is considered one of the best high altitude apples."

"Styria is an exceptional area for apple production. We have 300 days of sunshine a year and water from natural springs, a temperate climate, hills in various orientations with soils very rich in minerals and nutrients, and a difference between day and night temperatures that allows us to produce apples at altitudes of between 300 and 700 meters with excellent color, hardness and sugar levels; and above all, with a very good shelf life."

"For some varieties, the season lasts between ten and twelve months and, in fact, right now, in June, is when people are more actively looking for our mountain apples, because they are currently the ones with the best quality and with the best capacity to withstand the high temperatures."

"The flagship variety in the region is the Golden Rossé, a yellow Golden with a very attractive pink veneer, but we also have very high quality Gala, Royal Gala, Fuji, Granny, Jonagored or Idared and other club varieties, such as the Evelina or Sweetango, as well as organic apples. We have managed to open new markets for all of them, not only in Europe, but also in North Africa, the Middle East, India and Egypt."

Experience is a key factor. Not just the almost 10 years working with Austrian apples, but also Raúl's more than twenty years as a manager in a multinational company specializing in fruit in the Spanish sector. This has allowed Estiriateam to grow by 5-10% annually in the nine years since the project was launched, as well as extend its sales development work to other products by offering a comprehensive consultancy and sales management service.

"We no longer work only with our Austrian apples, but we also advise and offer our management, consultancy and brand representation services for many other products, such as kiwifruit, grapes, cherries, strawberries, pears or oranges, taking care of all the purchasing, sales, marketing and logistics work needed to develop sales at an international level. In fact, this activity already accounts for 40% of Estiriateam's business and we hope that this share will continue to grow in the coming years."

"In products with tight margins, such as fruit, bad decisions must be avoided by boosting efficiency and synergies in purchasing, logistics and marketing. At Estiriateam we have a highly professional team, with experience, honesty and credibility, and together with our clients and suppliers, we seek to obtain the greatest possible profit."

For more information:
Tel.: +34 669 006 864
[email protected]

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