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Morocco ranks among top 10 global strawberry producers

Morocco has been recognized as a leading strawberry producer, securing a position in the top 10 worldwide for 2024, as reported by the World Population Review. The nation's strawberry production reached 166,955 tonnes, indicating its significant role in the international market. This achievement underscores Morocco's evolving status in the agricultural domain.

The global strawberry market is experiencing an uptick in demand, with China, the United States, and Egypt at the forefront of production. China leads with a substantial output of 3,336,690 tonnes, followed by the United States with 1,055,963 tonnes, and Egypt with 597,029 tonnes. Other notable producers include Turkiye, Spain, Brazil, Russia, Poland, and Morocco.

Strawberry cultivation faces challenges such as climate-induced yield fluctuations and the necessity for careful handling and refrigeration to preserve quality during transport. China's major production areas are Hebei, Shandong, and Liaoning, while in the United States, California is the primary producer, accounting for 90% of its strawberries. Egypt's key regions are Ismailia, Beheira, and Qaluobia.

Geographical variations influence strawberry ripening seasons, with temperate regions seeing early summer harvests and equatorial areas offering year-round production capabilities. Morocco's entry into the top 10 strawberry producers highlights its agricultural sector's resilience and its potential to meet global standards despite environmental and logistical challenges.


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