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Camposol's strategy in Peru has encompassed procurement of blueberries, avocados, mangoes, tangerines, and grapes

In order to fulfill its obligations to clients, agroindustrial entity Camposol has expanded its product portfolio through the acquisition of various fruits over recent years. This diversification strategy has encompassed the procurement of blueberries, avocados, mangoes, tangerines, and grapes. Despite having a robust level of production across its operations, Camposol occasionally relies on third-party producers to ensure a comprehensive product offering. This approach has enabled the company to meet client commitments effectively, with the exception of cherries, which have not necessitated external purchases. Specifically, the company's external acquisitions have varied over time, with a notable instance in the cranberry segment where purchases amounted to 61 tons at a cost of US$333,016 in 2021, and increased to 152 tons costing US$777,434 in 2022. However, in 2023, Camposol did not engage in third-party purchases for cranberries.

Avocados: In 2021 Camposol did not make purchases outside of this product, but in 2022 it did have to acquire 1,659 tons for a value of US$ 2.844.380. The figure increased in 2023 with the purchase of 3,423 tons for US$ 3.229.154.

Industrial Avocados: In this area, the company reports only one purchase in the last three years. In 2022 it acquired 126 tons for US$ 18.270.

Tangerines: In this case, there was only a need to make purchases from third parties in 2022, with 451 tons for US$ 824.317.

Grapes: There was also a need to shop abroad only once in the last three years. It was in 2022 with 113 tons for US$ 378.496.


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