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Tozzi Frutta sells 60% of its production abroad

"A normal year, but we are hoping for an increase in prices"

"I define 2024 as a normal year, but a better one compared with the past few years. Stone fruit prices are not very high at the moment, but we are hoping that they will recover in the next few weeks," reports Cristian Tozzi from Tozzi Frutta, a company located in Forlì. It is a family business, yet one with a considerable size boasting over 100 hectares, growers supplying produce and an ever-expanding processing facility.

Cristian Tozzi.

"We produce apricots, peaches, nectarines, kiwifruits, plums and pears, 60% of which are exported mainly to big retail chains in Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and the Czech Republic. We are part of the CEOR consortium (Cooperativa Esportatori Ortofrutticoli Romagnoli), which takes care of commercialization and works very well abroad."

Big Top nectarines.

Production is not abundant, but "we are recovering after the disasters caused by the frost and floods of the past few years. Ripening is 10–15 days early, which caused the produce to overlap with other areas, leading to prices that are not very high. Such advance also caused lower grades. We are hoping the situation will normalize over the next few weeks, with an increase in quotations."

Lady Cot apricots.

The strength of Tozzi lies in its refrigerated units, which were renewed and upgraded a few years ago as part of the family investments. The company was founded by Cristian's father, and his brother and sister also work there. The upgrade of the photovoltaic system, which will add 240 kWh to the existing 180 kWh, is currently underway.

"A few weeks ago we obtained the certification for our PGI Peaches and Nectarines from Romagna, and we have already made the first deliveries. We are hoping this mark will help us better promote high-quality."

Tozzi in the storage unit.

The production of peaches and nectarines goes from late May to late September, in a normal year. However, this year even the later varieties could be early: it will all depend on the weather.

"Production is looking promising for kiwifruits as well. We grow the Hayward variety and the situation seems better than that of the past few years."

For more information:
Tozzi Frutta
Via Zampeschi 172,
47122 Forlì
[email protected]

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