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Fresh produce is quite expensive in Baku this summer

Despite the expectation that summer should bring lower prices for produce, markets in Baku are witnessing high prices. Various vegetables and fruits, which are inexpensive in rural areas, are being sold at significantly higher rates in the capital. Reports indicate that some items are priced twice as much or even higher in Baku compared to regional markets.

For instance, while cucumbers are sold for €0.27 to 0.38 per kilogram in the regions, the same quantity costs €1.08 in Baku. A similar trend is observed with tomatoes and other agricultural products. Seasonal fruits also exhibit a stark price difference. Cherries, which cost €0.54-1.08 per kilogram in the countryside, cost €3.80 in the capital.

Agriculture expert, Akif Nasirli, highlighted the limited market access for farmers. "Farmers typically sell their produce directly from their fields, leading to significant price disparities. While they might sell at €0.27 per kilogram in the fields, transporting and selling it in Baku leaves them with only €0.16-0.22 profit per kilogram," he explained.

Nasirli noted that the price difference does not affect all products equally. "For some items, the difference is minor. Recently in Beylagan, watermelons were sold for €0.16-0.22 per kilogram, while in Baku, they cost €0.22-0.27. This indicates a smaller price gap. However, lower-priced produce often turns out to be inferior quality," he added.


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