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Early harvest for Bursa figs

More Turkish figs were produced this season, thanks to a better handling of the challenges the climate creates for farmers, says Beyazit Afiyon, owner of Turkish fresh produce exporter PIK Global: "This year's black fig growing season was very productive. Turkish farmers are getting better in this regard every year and ensuring that the product is in better condition. We're getting used to the deteriorating climatic conditions every year, and Turkey is also affected by this. This year, winter ended early, and temperatures rose rapidly. All products, including figs, are being harvested earlier than usual. There was no impact on crop quality, but many fruits had a shorter season as a result."

According to Afiyon, the quality of this season's figs has also been much better than in the previous year. "The Turkish fig harvest is quite good compared to previous years. The biggest reason for this is that the trees in the fig gardens in Bursa, which is the region with the highest productivity, have seen the fruit set very well this season. In previous years, there were complaints that figs were more sensitive in this regard. This year, we're hearing hardly any complaints in this regard."

Afiyon does expect prices to increase this season: "We send our black figs to European, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern countries. Most of our exports cover European countries. I think the prices will be very high, due to the high efficiency of the product. Despite all kinds of weather conditions, I foresee a problem-free year in terms of quality. Black figs have been in our world for centuries, and I think they are one of the most beautiful and useful fruits. We're always happy to see more demand," he concludes.

For more information:
Beyazit Afiyon
Tel: +90 541 275 8520
Email: [email protected]