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International meeting in Rome

Nanotechnology is making its way into agriculture

Nanotechnologies are already widely used in the medicinal and industrial fields, however they are not as popular in agriculture, as research needs to be expanded. Prospects are however considerable, and could be revolutionary. These are some of the concepts that emerged on Monday, September 9, 2024 at the La Sapienza University Faculty of Engineering, during the first day of the Nano-Innovation Congress 2024 held in Rome until September 13. The international congress saw the participation of researchers from all over the world, in person or remotely.

The Faculty of Engineering at La Sapienza University in Rome

A round table organised by Luca Marchiol, professor of Agronomy at the University of Udine and contact person of the Prin2022Cleopatra project, was held on Monday afternoon and attended by a number of experts: Giuseppe Ciuffreda, research and development manager at Fcp Cerea, Stefania Boi, research and development manager at Nanomnia, Silver Giorgini, quality and innovation director at Gruppo Orogel, and Manuel Isceri, director at Federchimica Assofertilizzanti.

Lecturers Marco Rossi (organizer of NanoInnovation) and Luca Marchiol (coordinator of the 'Nano-enabled Agriculture' workshop)

"For about 10 years, research has been developing knowledge on Nano-Enabled Agriculture, which promotes the use of nanostructured materials for various applications in the agricultural sector. Nanotechnology could help precision agriculture, significantly contributing to the future of the primary sector," began Marchiol.

Participants in the discussion: Cristiano Riciputi, Freshplaza journalist and moderator, Giuseppe Ciuffreda, Manuel Isceri, Silver Giorgini, Stefania Boi, Luca Marchiol

From a practical point of view, the best-performing applications currently concern nutrition, with possible applications also when it comes to defense.

"As a company, we already produce nano-iron and nano-phosphorus," explained Ciuffreda, "which allow us to improve production performance by cutting application rates by 60% and more. In other words, we save on the products used because they are absorbed by the plants with very limited losses, and we decrease dispersion."

The event also featured an exhibition in the historic cloister of the University, involving various nanotechnology companies

"These are all very interesting topics for a cooperative group like ours," said Giorgini from Orogel, "and it is very important to continue with research. When faced with novelties such as this one, it is certainly not easy to align the needs of all players along the supply chain, but nanotechnology can create epochal changes. It is a topic that I have been following for a few years and I am sure that there will be very interesting developments, and Orogel is always at the forefront of innovation."

Conferences and research presentations took place during the 5-day event

Manuel Isceri, Director of Assofertilizzanti, mainly emphasized two issues: the first concerns rules, because they still appear fragmented in some cases. "We need to put pressure on the political world so that there can be alignment and clear and effective regulation." The second issue is that of communication, which is very delicate and must be approached with scientific data and not with advertising in mind. "The role of Assofertilizzanti is to synthesize the needs and proposals of companies and bring them to the attention of decision-makers."

Stefania Boi pointed out that "there are several companies, including those in the agricultural field, that have asked for our intervention in research to reformulate active ingredients and effective release systems. With research and thanks to nanotechnology, it will be possible to arrive at precise defense solutions, with reduced doses of plant protection products because they will only and exclusively hit the target."

"Abroad, nations such as India have been making considerable investments on this front for years. It is necessary for Europe too, and especially Italy, to keep up with innovations on a global level," concluded Marchiol.

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