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Photo report: 14th DOGK in Düsseldorf

German fruit and vegetable industry unites at DOGK

The German fruit and vegetable sector is currently under the spell of what they call the three Ks in Germany, namely Künstliche Intelligenz, Klimawandel und Kaufkraftsenkung - or, in English, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Purchasing Power Decline.

This emerged during the 14th edition of the annual DOGK in Düsseldorf, which again consisted of a Get-Together and the subsequent conference day full of presentations and seminars. According to main organizer Fruchthandel Magazin, this year's event attracted around 480 visitors from home and abroad.

Click here for the photo report.

Like many other segments of the food trade and beyond, the AGF sector is currently dealing with several crises. In particular, climate change and a decline in purchasing power due to inflation are causing headaches for many traders. A moderate level of consumption is the direct result of this, Prof Stephan Rüschen of the Hochschule Heilbronn substantiated based on brand-new study results shared for the first time. Nevertheless, the AGF department is still considered the showpiece of any supermarket. For that reason, AGF has the potential to make a difference and both win and lose customers.

Other topics such as climate change and the consequences for fruit growing as well as the lack of hands and the difficult hunt for new staff were also discussed. The afternoon program then focused more on digitalization and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all branches of the supply chain.

Fixed deal
Overall, the main sponsors, who as usual had a stand in the main hall, showed themselves satisfied with the turnout. After some difficult Corona years, the event seems to have found its place in the calendar again, which is reflected in good, stable attendance figures. Those attending for the first time were also predominantly positive: "For us as a 'new kid on the block', the DOGK is a good platform to get in touch with potential customers or partners and gain insight into the sector," said one supplier.

Click here for the photo report.

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