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France Pistache union and Pistache en Provence

Launch of French collective brand "Pistaches de France"

A new stage in the structuring of the French pistachio sector was reached on October 15th, with the launch of the national collective brand "Pistaches de France" at the Med'Agri event in Avignon.

In attendance were André Pinatel, president of France Pistache, Olivier Baussan, president of the Pistache en Provence Association, Jean-Louis Joseph, vice-president of the Pistache en Provence Association, Benedicte Martin, vice-president of the Southern Region, Georgia Lambertin, president of the Vaucluse Chamber of Agriculture, the partners Pépinières du Soleil represented by Maxence Brenguier, the Territoire de Provence group represented by Alexis Bertucat and the FLDI group represented by Dominique Favrel, the members and Benoît Dufaÿ in charge of the France Pistache mission. / © France Pistache union

500 hectares of pistachios in France
Pistachios used to be grown in the south of France, but gradually disappeared in the 1950s. Today, they are mainly grown in the Mediterranean basin. In 2018, several farmers in Provence decided to start growing pistachios again. French pistachios now cover approximately 500 hectares spread between the PACA region, Occitania and Corsica (with a few in the New Aquitaine and Drôme departments). This growing sector is supported by two bodies: the France Pistache union, created in January 2021 to represent the interests of producers and provide them with technical support, and the Pistache en Provence association, which promotes and defends the revival of pistachio growing in Provence and in France.

What are the advantages of pistachios for producers?
If more and more growers are turning to the pistachio tree, it is mainly because it offers so many advantages in the face of climate change. Originating on the high plateaux of Iran, the pistachio tree is hardy and perfectly adapted to the heat. It withstands both drought and cold winters, and requires very little water. But pistachios are also commercially interesting. With an average of 10,000 tons of pistachios imported into France, the growing trend towards healthy snacking and the strong demand from the processing sector (sweets/chocolates/ice-creams) means that there are plenty of outlets for the French pistachio, a strong argument for producers looking to diversify.

The new "Pistaches de France" collective brand
The global pistachio market is dominated by 3 main producing countries: the United States, Turkey and Iran. Every year, France imports between 12 and 15,000 tons of pistachios. The French sector is therefore seeking to promote its production by focusing on local products and short distribution channels via its new national collective brand called "Pistaches de France". "Guaranteeing consumers and professional buyers 100% French pistachios is the extension of this approach. Localism, Sustainable Agriculture and Quality: these are the key words that define the products bearing this new brand."