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Red bell peppers: the unlikely signal for extramarital encounters in supermarkets

A bizarre new trend has supposedly emerged in supermarkets, where shoppers use red bell peppers in their trolleys as a secret signal for seeking extramarital escapades. Yes, you read that right—apparently, the 'bell pepper code' is a thing now, and it's less about dinner plans and more about extra-marital plans. As revealed in an online forum for married folks looking to spice up their lives (and we're not talking about paprika), this grocery aisle game is causing quite a stir.

The technique is simple: place two red bell peppers in your cart with the stems pointed downwards. It's been described as a "secret handshake, but with veg," because clearly, winking was just too subtle.

The original post on the forum called the supermarket the perfect place for a little illicit intrigue, suggesting that your weekly trip for bread and milk could lead to "something a lot more... sizzling." The poster went on about how this covert veggie signal could lead to connections amongst the peppers in the know. And hey, if it works out, maybe you can grab dinner in the produce section—two for one!

Feedback on the forum has been... mixed. One Tesco shopper shared an experience of trying the bell pepper code on a Friday night, though it didn't exactly lead to the rom-com meet-cute they were hoping for. They did, however, leave with a solid guacamole recipe from another shopper.

Jessica Leoni, a spokesperson for Illicit Encounters, commented on the trend, noting that it might be the first time in history that vegetables are used as romantic wingmen. She added, "Who knew bell peppers could add a dash of excitement to grocery shopping? If this catches on, you might find more than just fish sticks in the frozen food aisle."

Source: indy100

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