The Greek onion market differs by type. Red onions are still available in cooling chambers, but the packers of Thiva, the most important onion-growing region of Greece, find it extremely difficult to carry out sales. "There are still quite a lot of red onions in the warehouses, and they are in relatively good condition. However, there is no demand at all from abroad. For our part, we managed to export a significant number of containers to England, but at low prices, and apart from a few products bought recently by Israel, sales are almost zero," says Mr. Yannis Mantzaris from Agrodiktyo, an onion packer based in Thiva.
"Unfortunately, even the Greek market sources its supplies from warehouses in the northern part of the country. EXW prices stand at 0,40 euros/kg. We are waiting for the new crop to arrive. In Thiva, there is an early variety that we expect to start harvesting from April 20. However, the local red onion season will reach its peak from May 20, when the main volume of onions will start being harvested. In the meantime, some important supplies of Greek red onions will come from the area of Vatika," the Greek packer says.
As for white onions, Greece solely relies on imported products to meet its needs. As Mr. Mantzaris describes: "Greek white onions have been over for a long time. We import Dutch and Austrian onions to cover local demand. Prices for onions unloaded in Thiva in big bags stand at 0,42 euros/kg. This is 0,03 to 0,04 euros higher than prices for imported onions unloaded in Thessaloniki."
"However, I think that imports will not last more than one month," Mr. Mantzaris stresses. As he says: "Despite the fact that the new Greek white onion crop will come with a significant delay of about 15 days, it won't take long for them to arrive. The Orthodox Holy Week will see the first new white Greek onions in the market. The cultivation period is progressing without problems. If no frost issues arise, which is highly unlikely for Thiva, then we will see a great new crop. Onion acreage in Thiva, in total for white and red onions, has increased by about 15-20% compared to last season."
For more information:
Yannis Mantzaris
Tel: +30 2262 028 300
Mob: +30 6944 166 522