In Est, located in the Betuwe region, Roel Wellner Fruit has been the go-to address for marketing Maribelle apples for many years. "A major advantage of Maribelle is that this apple can be available on shelves year-round. It's impressive that an apple remains on the market from the start of the season until the next harvest. That means stability and reliability for both consumers and growers. A consistent, healthy, and typically Dutch apple on the shelf provides confidence and security throughout the entire supply chain," says René Wellner.
© Roel Wellner Fruit
Roel Wellner Fruit handles sales for virtually all Maribelle growers in the Netherlands and is dedicated to positioning the variety optimally in the market. The variety, developed from a cross including Elstar, is less susceptible to diseases and pests, and growers are seeing this in practice. "Growers who have had Maribelle for 10 to 15 years see that the trees are still in excellent condition," says Jeroen Wellner, who is responsible for the orchard. "Fruit tree canker is hardly an issue, which is a rare advantage these days. Maribelle is a pleasant apple to work with. At a time when crop protection products are under increasing pressure, Maribelle is a stable choice for the future. Less disease pressure means less crop protection, lower risk, and a more sustainable crop."
Also suitable for the convenience market
"Sales are currently going extremely well. Dutch consumers appreciate this Dutch apple for its fresh taste and firm texture, but international demand is also growing. One of Maribelle's strong features is that the flesh hardly browns. This makes it not only ideal as a hand apple and baking apple but also very suitable for the convenience market, such as pre-cut apple slices in salads and other processed products," says René.
© Roel Wellner Fruit
The company has invested in bagging machines. "Maribelle apples are available in bags but are also laid out and packed in our own custom-designed trays in stores. More and more supermarkets are including Maribelle in their assortment, packed in specially designed Maribelle bags. This is going very well," says René. "Consumers enjoy picking up a nice bag of Maribelle apples. And we're growing not only in physical stores but also online, with an increasing number of followers on social media."
For more information:
René Wellner
Roel Wellner Fruit BV
Mob: +31 (0) 6 55 17 51 69