The 15th edition of medFEL is fast approaching. The event, based in Perpignan, will be held on April 23rd and 24th.
The press conference to present the new edition of medFEL was held on March 11th at the Interfel offices in Paris. Here is a quick look at the highlights and new features for 2025.
© Marine Inghirami-Benaroch | FP.commedFEL 2024
Massive return of producers
According to its director Vadhana Khath, medFEL brings together 250 French and international exhibitors and 5,000 visitors over 2 days. "In 2024, 1,500 appointments were made and honored, and we hope to have just as many this year." 6 exhibition sectors are represented: production (for the most part), import/export, transport/logistics, packaging, and also equipment and processes upstream and downstream of the sector. "It is the only BtoB trade show dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector in France," explains Catherine Machabert of AD'OCC, the economic development agency of Occitania. MedFEL is both an international meeting place and a local event in the region, bringing together regional, national, and international players in the sector. It is also a genuine platform for exchange, news, debate, and forecasting, enabling the sector to look to the future and anticipate trends." Above all, medFEL is an event that is going from strength to strength. "Since 2022, we've seen a 29% increase in the number of exhibitors, which is considerable. It is a show that is going from strength to strength." Since 2022, medFEL has seen a 47% increase in the number of producers. "There is a massive return of producers to this event that is now a benchmark in France. Since 2024, the renewal rate has been 86%."
In 2025, 40 new exhibitors will be present, including Azura, Comptoir Rhodanien, Genuine Coconut, Cros-Viguier nurseries, San Lucar, Syndicat de l'abricot des Baronnies IGP, Syndicat du melon de Cavaillon, Terra Vecchia...
The Occitania regional stand - under the aegis of its Sud de France brand - represents 23 producers from the region and companies involved in production, with a renewal rate of 88% compared to 2024. Of these 23 producers, 60% are organic. 3 new companies are also joining the Occitania regional booth this year: La Studieuse, MIN of Toulouse, and Vergers Cancel.
© Marine Inghirami-Benaroch | medFEL 2024
"medFEL is also about conferences, workshops, and round tables"
Alongside the traditional apricot harvest forecasts and anticipated melon plantings - plums joined the ranks in 2024 - medFEL is also "about content on topical subjects with high stakes for the sector" such as the development of the French origin of processed fruit and vegetables or the great debate over the price of fruit and vegetables.
You can find the full program of conference workshops here and the program of conferences and round tables here.
50 top international buyers selected
MedFEL also has its sights set firmly on the world, with the International Business Convention allowing exhibitors to exchange ideas with foreign operators. "This is one of the highlights of the show, enhancing the impact and effectiveness of medFEL for exhibitors and trade visitors alike," explains Catherine Machabert. The Convention brings together 50 international buyers* selected and recruited (from over 30 countries) by the AD'OCC agency on behalf of the region. A program of BtoB meetings has also been set up to optimize exchanges.
* Origin of buyers: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Ivory Coast, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam.
© Marine Inghirami-Benaroch | medFEL 2024
medEMPLOI: The medFEL job fair is back
Initiated in 2023 and in partnership with the Occitanie Fruit and Vegetables Federation, medEMPLOI, the medFEL job fair, is back. On the program: a job dating day on April 23rd (managed by France Travail). There will also be 4 workshops, each lasting 15 minutes, as well as a conference entitled "Are social networks essential for attracting talent?"
© Marine Inghirami-Benaroch | medFEL 2024
Interfel for the first time at medFEL
The fresh fruit and vegetable trade association will be exhibiting for the first time at medFEL on a 24 m² stand (open on 3 sides), with a culinary counter, a lounge area, and a fruit and vegetable stall. It will also be an opportunity to make official the existence of the Interfel Occitania regional committee, which was created on December 9th, bringing the number of regional committees to 7 (with Ile de France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France Centre Val de Loire, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and PACA). "Occitania plays a major role in the French agricultural system. It is France's second-largest producer of fruit and vegetables, and the leader in organic and labeled production," explains Catherine Machabert, of the AD'OCC agency.
The presentation of the new committee will take place on April 23rd, during the show's inauguration. The official inauguration of the Regional Committee and its roadmap will take place at the end of the afternoon.
Photo credits: medFEL
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