Brazil has been gaining importance as a destination for Chilean fruit exports, particularly in the case of kiwi. "In recent years, consumption has increased steadily, reaching levels similar to those of consolidated markets such as Italy, India, or the Netherlands, but a little less than the United States," stated Carlos Cruzat, president of Frutas de Chile's Kiwi Committee.
This season, Chilean fruit shipments to Brazil have increased by 60% over the same period last year. The geographical proximity between the two countries and the relatively short transit times, between five and seven days, have been determining factors in facilitating trade flow. "Brazil is fluid, fast. An importer can place an order on a Wednesday and have the fruit the following Monday," Cruzat said.
© Diana Sajami |
He also said that even though it may seem that land shipments from Chile to Brazil would be cheaper due to their proximity, this is not always the case. Sea freight, especially on established routes, may be cheaper in relative terms.
The positioning of the Chilean kiwi in Brazil has been the result of several years of technical and logistical work. "One of the most important milestones was the implementation of the System Approach, a system that allows fruit to enter without the need for fumigation at the destination. This measure has contributed to preserving the quality of the exported product and has facilitated the establishment of more stable supply programs. Today, we send fruit without fumigation, which have a better harvest and post-harvest life," he stated.
"Currently, the kiwi supply extends over a large part of the year, thanks to the complementarity with production from the northern hemisphere. This has favored continuity in the points of sale, which helps maintain consumer interest," Cruzat said.
Despite the growth observed, kiwi remains a niche market fruit in Brazil, where the supply of local tropical fruits is varied and more accessible. "It's not a cheap product for them. What we need to do is to make it known. We have carried out promotional actions to present the product and its benefits, with emphasis on social networks and educational content," he said.
The main challenge is to get consumers to value what kiwi offers, Cruzat stated. "We want people to understand its benefits, know how to eat it, its taste, and why they pay a little more for this 'untraditional' fruit."
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As far as this season is concerned, the Chilean crop shows a somewhat lower volume than last year but with a better size and condition. "Chilean production has decreased slightly, but the fruits are healthy, good, firm, and of a larger size," he stated. Brazil continues to be the main export destination, with programs that extend until the last months of the year.
Cruzat also valued Brazil's kiwi production, which, although limited, helps to familiarize the consumer with this fruit. "Brazil has a small kiwi-producing area, which helps us incorporate kiwi into consumption," he said.
In addition to São Paulo, which concentrates much of the trade, other areas of the country present opportunities that are still unexplored. "Brazil is a huge market. There are areas in the north that we haven't explored much, where the product hasn't been disseminated much," Cruzat said, mentioning cities such as Brasilia, Salvador de Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro as points with high potential.
"The relationship with Brazil dates back to the 1980s and has evolved. Today, our goal is to grow together, to complement European production, and to expand our knowledge of kiwi. We have a product of Mediterranean origin, with a different flavor and nutrition proposal, and that's what we want to offer," Cruzat stated.
© Frutas de ChileFor more information:Carlos Cruzat
Frutas de Chile
Tel.: +56 9 9825 4204