Each individual cup is weighed by a load cell. The control system separates the product to the exits for optimal packaging with as little as possible giveaway weight.
It is possible to adjust the desired weight and margin on the touch screen. The margin depends on the product. If the margin is too small it will take longer before the package is ready. Products which are not able to be separated will be sorted into a reserve exit. It is possible to complete the packet after a set amount of time, despite being overweight. This is in order to increase capacity.
The machine is equipped with 6 exits on belts and 1 overflow exit as a standard feature. The belts are equipped with a type of trough system which makes it easier to pick up the package. The exit belt is waiting till the package is complete and moves the package so the next one can be made. On the end of the belt there is a sensor. This detects if there is a package on the belt. It is possible to extend this line with binding machines.
Technical Data:
- Size is depending on performance
- Capacity 28.800 / hour
- Minimum giveaway weight
- Saving labour
- Reliable and maintenance friendly
- Extension grading with Vision Systems
- Extension supply belt 1.000mm
- Extension knife
- Extension spacing belt
- Extension accurate fill system
- Extension 6 outputs on belts with sensors
- Return system from last exit to separation part
- Binding machine manual
- Binding machine with 2 elastic binders
- Waste discharge belt cutting system
- Customized Logistics
Christiaens Agro
Tel: +31 (0)475594869
Email: info@christiaensagro.com