"The customer base is small but exclusive"
The UGLI® is a hybrid of a tangerine, grapefruit and Seville orange. "It is a niche product", Stef van der Linden reports, "The customer base is small and exclusive. We sell the UGLI® to wholesalers who specialize in exotic fruits, and to retailers who are convinced that they can complete their product range with this particular fruit." The UGLI® was discovered in Jamaica in 1917 and since 1930s marketed commercially. The rough and greenish-yellow leathery rind gives the fruit its identity, making it easily recognisable on the shelf! Cabel Hall Citrus Ltd registered UGLI® as a trademark in 1934. The varying climatic conditions in the north and south of Jamaica make it possible to grow the UGLI® almost the entire year. "Unfortunately, the stock of UGLI® are generally too small to supply all big retailers. But because of that, the UGLI® remains an exclusive product", describes van der Linden.

Large harvest this summer
"In the summer there is a “summer version” of UGLI®, grown in the north", the Dutch importer announces, "After one year without summer harvest, we expect a very large yield this year ." The UGLI® winter season runs from December to March and the summer season (normally only every 7 years) from July to August. The UGLI® is a round but flattened fruit with a diameter of about 10 to 15 cm. When the fruit has reached its full maturity and depending on temperatures of where it is grown, the peel is yellow with a slight orange cast and slightly green at the ends. The rind of the UGLI® is uneven, wrinkled, rough and leathery, but it is very easy to peel the fruit. The white layer between the fruit and the skin is very thick. Dry and at room temperature, the UGLI® can be stored for up to six days.

Always on the lookout for new and interesting fruits
"Total Produce is always looking for new and interesting fruit", the importer explains, "We have been trading with the UGLI® for about 45 years. Nevertheless, because of the small area of distribution and its special appearance the UGLI® is still an exclusive and appreciated exotic type of fruit."
Stef van der Linden
Total Produce BV
Marconistraat 19, 3029 AE Rotterdam
+31 10 244 84 18