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Ties Minnen, AfriFruta

“More than 5,000 suppliers bring us fruit to dry"

AfriFruta, which is based in Mozambique, produces dried organic mango and pineapple. They had a busy year last year. "We have not only tripled our production; we have also expanded our assortment," says AfriFruta's Ties Minnen. He is the Managing Director, Europe, and Co-owner of the company. "Recently we also started offering dried organic banana, papaya, and coconut."

5,000 suppliers
AfriFruta obtains its entire production stock for the Inhambane province in Mozambique. They buy the fresh fruit from local families who have mango and coconut trees growing around their houses. "These fruit trees are a relic of when the country was a Portuguese colony," explains Ties. 

Up to now, nothing has really been done with the fruit, other than the small amount consumed by the locals. Last season, we purchased fruit from more than 5.000 suppliers. People deliver their fruit in baskets that they carry on their heads. Or they bring it to the drop-off points or drying plant in ox-drawn carts."

"We have noticed that we can make a major impact in the region. Last year AfriFruta alone exported more fruit from the Inhambane province than all the fruit export from the province, put together, over the last four years. This is according to the local Chamber of Commerce," he says.

AfriFruta also currently receives fruit from 230 local families. These families are being guided in each establishing a quarter of a hectare of various fruit. Pineapples, papaya, and other tropical fruit will be planted.

"These people are being supported and trained in organic, professional agriculture. The goal for 2019 is to increase this number of suppliers to 500 families. We will take these products off their hands at a fair price," Minnen continues. 

AfriFruta is the only company in Southern Africa that produces organic dried mango. "All the other organic drying facilities are in West Africa. We are, therefore, the only ones who produce dried mango in the alternate season. This season runs from December to March."

“Organic papaya is also a special product. It is very difficult to grow this fruit organically. It is even impossible to do in many places in the world. We distinguish ourselves with our production periods and wide range of products," says Ties.

Quality certification
When it comes to certification, AfriFruta also distinguishes itself. This year, the company is embarking on a process to receive BRC as well as IFS certification. "Fruit drying plants that combine the use of organic products and these distinguished quality certifications do not exist yet."

"However, this is necessary in order to make AfriFruta one of the major players in the field of organic dried fruit. This type of certification is especially important for supermarkets. It is, however, currently simply not available," says the MD.

Supermarket and specialty stores
At the moment, the company has three dryers available to dry the fruit. "We dry mangoes for three months. During the rest of the time, we supplement this with other products. A small percentage of our product gets sold in South Africa and Mozambique, itself."

"However, our focus lies with sales in the Netherlands, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Traders throughout Europe sell our product to, mainly, supermarkets and specialty stores. European consumers mostly eat dried fruit as a healthy snack. The product can also be well-used in muesli”, Minnen goes on to say.

“We are a for-profit company. Despite this, our main aim, with everything we do, is to make a difference to the people in the area. It is also nice to see the appreciation we get in that country. In April, the Mozambiquan President paid us a visit," concludes Ties.

For more information:
Ties Minnen
[email protected]

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