In Wetteraukreis, in the heart of Hesse, the heated film tunnel strawberry harvest started this week. "The crops are doing quite well and so far we have seen no damage. We assume it will be a normal season opener," said Maximilian Reuhl of production company Wetterauer Früchtchen based in Münzenberg.
"The first products from unheated tunnels will be harvested in about three weeks, and three weeks later, in mid-May, we will finally start with the pure field strawberries. The current product is of very good quality and the final selling prices are in the satisfactory range of €11-12 per kg. At the moment I can not say too much about sales, but good sales are expected around Easter. Thereafter, prices will drop again due to the increased supply," says Reuhl.
Great price pressure
The grower sells his fruit either directly to regional Rewe branches, or to the farm shop. At this time it is mainly early variety Clery that is harvested. Later, other varieties will supplement the basic range. Reuhl says a clear overall development can be observed: "When the Dutch 'autumn harvest' starts, unfortunately the German market is literally flooded. In principle, however, reasonable prices can be gotten for a good regional product, and German customers are increasingly valuing these."
Wetterauer Früchtchen

Altstädter Feld 1
35516 Münzenberg
Tel 06033/970325
Fax: 06033 970324