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"Chinese apple production volume returns to normal"

"Export price of Chinese apples decreases at start of new season"

"Many apple production areas in China suffered from extreme weather last year. The overall production volume declined by around 30%. The price of Chinese apples immediately increased. The weather conditions are stable this year. The apple production volume is back to normal. We expect the price of apples to come down again in this new production season." This is according to Mr. Bai of Dalian Farm International Trade Co., Ltd.

Apple orchard

Apple selection facility

"Our apples mainly come from production areas in Dalian and Shanxi. The apple varieties we supply include Gala, Crown, Red Star, Fuji, Jiguan, Huangjin Shuai, etc. Our supply period begins in the middle of July and lasts until late April."

"The apples currently on the market are the first apples of the new production season, but there are also apples from storage, which are mainly Fuji from storage. The product quality of these apples is quite good, despite several months in storage."

Apple warehouse

"We export our apples through Dalian and Qingdao ports to the Philippines, Thailand, India, Nepal, Singapore, and Indonesia. Chinese apples have an advantage in these markets because they are cheaper, but their product quality is outstanding, their color brilliant and fresh, and the flavor is quite sweet."

For more information:
Mr. Bai
Dalian Farm International Trade Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86 188 4087 9071 
E-mail: [email protected] 

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