“This year's seedless white grapes from Turpan, Xinjiang became available slightly later due to strong winds and cold weather. Under normal circumstances, the supply period begins in July and lasts through the end of September. The windy weather has also affected the quality to some extent.” Ms. Liu said.
“Compared with last year, production this year has increased. This is mainly due to the improvement of planting techniques such as fertilization, irrigation, and trimming. We mainly use organic fertilizer, especially compost. In addition, we have managed to get rid of pathogens in preventing diseases through thinning, so the plant is exposed to more air and sunlight.”
“Compared with other varieties, seedless white from Turpan has a bright color and an excellent taste. The market was not very impressive when the crop just came onto the market but has been warming as the volumes ramped up. Now we have gradually entered the peak marketing season. This variety offers excellent taste thanks to the daytime temperature of up to 45 degrees and up to 15 hours of sunlight in Xinjiang. There’s also a large temperature difference between day and night. This region is extremely rich in heat units and sunshine, scarce in rainfall, and high in temperature. Our grapes are mainly from Shanshan County, Turpan City."
“In recent years, competition within the industry has become increasingly fierce. As Chinese people become increasingly wealthy, the market demand for grapes has been growing and the cultivated acreage has also been expanding. But I’m not worried about the competition, as these seedless white grapes have always performed very well. It is estimated that in 2013, 100 units of 2.2 kg were sold in a single second. A lot of these grapes are also used to make wine and raisins."
“Currently, we mainly sell to wholesale markets and supermarkets in the first- and second-tier cities in China via traditional sales models, but we hope to open up online channels in the future to reach more consumers.”
Ms. Liu
Seller of seedless white grapes from Turpan, Xinjiang
Tel.: +86 15718878211
Email: [email protected]