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Robert Vogel, AGF Direct:

“Limited supply and broad demand for Dutch cauliflower and broccoli”

Dutch cauliflower and broccoli is enjoying European-wide demand. “Everything is selling smoothly. It appears as if the UK had the biggest shortages and that they’re now a bit more self-supporting again, but we also have good demand from markets such as Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the Scandinavian countries,” says Robert Vogel of AGF Direct from Zwaagdijk, the Netherlands.

“Prices are at a decent level. Broccoli is selling for 1.30-1.40 euro, and prices for cauliflower (sixes) are around one euro,” Robert continues. “In the past three weeks, supply was limited as a result of weather extremes. Supply is now starting up again a bit more, but I’m still expecting good sales for the coming weeks.”

“During the planting season, it was 40 ºC in the production regions. That leaves its marks. North Holland has a great big tub of fresh water surrounding it, but not every country can say the same,” the outdoor vegetable trader continues.

For more information:
Robert Vogel
AGF Direct
Tel: +31 85 30 32 633
Mob: +31 6 38 19 19 90
[email protected] 

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