This year we could reach even 0.90 - 1 euro per kilogram for kiwifruit producers, but the poor yields do not allow us to obtain a satisfactory PLV. Maurizio Filippi of Commercio Frutta will analyze the current market situation.
Maurizio Filippi.
"The product is lacking, and this is well known - he says - Furthermore, other factors have also influenced one another in a positive way. I am referring to the end of the kiwifruit campaign in the other hemisphere. There is no pressure on the markets, therefore the prices are good, as you should always expect. Unfortunately many companies have not had satisfactory returns and therefore risk breaking even or closing at a loss".
However, there are problems not only for the producers, but for packaging companies as well: with less product, there is a higher incidence of fixed costs per kilogram.
"From the information I was able to gather, production in Greece has been very high. There are even those who claim that this year the Greek kiwifruit will approach, in quantity, the Italian kiwifruit, at around 250 thousand tons. The thing is, Greece only has about a third of the hectares present in Italy".
From a competitive point of view, there is a risk that Greece this year will take advantage of the lack of Italian product to gain further positions on foreign markets.
"The quality of our kiwifruit is very good - concludes Filippi - and we operators are able to meet the needs of the markets and large-scale distribution, packaging a product ready for consumption".
Commercio Frutta
Via Trentola, 78
47122 Malmissole (Forlì) - Italy
Tel.: (+39) 0543/723153
Email: [email protected]