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Top Control continues expanding abroad

Guaranteed weight as an innovative system

The guaranteed weight is a very successful solution, appreciated in large-scale distribution as well as in the supply chain. The main challenge is that of designing packages that respect the expected percentage of weight loss, but without giving away too much product. To achieve maximum efficiency in this, Top Control offers innovative systems that will be presented at Fruit Logistica 2020.

"The MPH 1200 combiner has been further improved - said Gianmarco Callegari, sales manager for Italy and South-Eastern Europe - to create packs that are not overweight or underweight. Sometimes you run the risk of giving away some of the product, while the first gain is to avoid waste. Thanks to our precision system, we make the most out of the raw material."

Top Control will be showcasing another novelty in Berlin that is a completely new concept in the guaranteed weight field. It consists of a supplementary weighing process. "In a first step, the packages are filled to about 80-90% of the weight. Next, the machine adds the missing amount to guarantee the weight. The system ensures greater speed and precision.”

These Top Control weighing systems fit perfectly into any existing processing line. All these features have enabled the company to close 2019 with a double-digit increase in sales and to increase its share abroad, by more than 50%.

TopControl Srl
Via Enzenberg 24/A
39018 Terlano - Italy
Phone.: +39 0471 319999