The Alpicat-based family business, dedicated to the production of fruit, has presented an innovative project in which a selected and large-sized Lleida apple (80-85) ends up becoming three chocolate-dipped mini-donuts.
A few years ago, the SAT Ort Bell company developed a cold dehydration system for the fruit that allows it to retain a similar texture to that of the initial product, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients. This innovation led to the firm winning a prize organized by the IRTA. SAT Ort Bell then decided to work with a great quality and large-sized apple, cut in the form of a donut bathed in chocolate.
Josep Anton Ortiz, manager of the SAT Ort Bell company and the Rosco Fruits brand, said that he already saw the need for change in the productive structure back in 2008. At this time, Ortiz is starting to consider the possibility of recovering the old apple tree plantations, the fruit with which his family began.
The Rosco Fruits plant is located in the municipality of Alcarràs and can transform more than 14,000 apples a day. This will make it possible to meet the first orders that the company has already received from some of the main Spanish distribution chains and horeca suppliers.
Rosco Fruits has hit the market this week in individual boxes containing a whole apple each. The product has attracted the attention of different distributors, including the Bon Preu-Esclat brand, which has already started selling them for 1.99 Euro per unit.
The apple, once dehydrated, is cut into three portions and can be bathed in three different types of chocolate to obtain three different flavors targeted to three different segments of the population. The Rosco with 70% chocolate, for a consumer who loves intense chocolate; Rosco with 50% chocolate, for palates preferring soft chocolate, and Rosco with milk chocolate for the little ones.
Rosco Fruits also seeks not to lose sight of the sustainable aspect of fruit consumption and all its apples are produced under the regulations for Integrated Production, and the packaging is 100% biodegradable.
For more information:
SAT Ort Bell
Término municipal de Alcarrás, Pla de les Vaqueries s/n
25180 Lleida
T: (+34) 973 190 985
M: (+34) 666 492 409