Many Chinese companies are currently rushing production, but they still have a shortage of manpower and the packaging industry still faces several problems. However, Chinese companies are working hard to overcome these obstacles and supplement the shortages to bring production back to regular levels. The new tomato production season in Shandong has begun. The tomatoes are expected to enter the market in May. Mr. Wang recently analyzed the previous tomato production season that concluded in December. He also shared his expectations of the upcoming season: "We produce large red tomatoes. Their price was relatively high because market demand for large red tomatoes was strong last season. Most of the tomatoes we sold last season were greenhouse Qidali tomatoes."
Mr. Wang also explained that the most popular tomato varieties he sells are Sibeide and Qidali. "These two varieties are the most popular varieties in the Chinese tomato market. We sell the greenhouse Qidali from the 20th of December until the 1st of January. Then we start selling them again in May. The Sibeide tomatoes enter the market in June and July. The peak season of tomato sales is therefore in June, and the production season is coming to an end around the 10th of July. I purchase fruit and vegetables on behalf of others. I purchase according to my clients preferences. The colors and the product varieties are different depending on when I purchase the tomatoes."
Cherry tomatoes are gaining popularity in the Chinese market. Mr. Wang has worked in the fruit industry for more than 10 years. According to him the market demand for large tomatoes is gradually growing weaker. "In general, there are few high-end clients. Most traders deal in regular, low-priced tomatoes. Farmers earn less and so there are fewer people interested in this business." In addition to tomatoes, Mr. Wang also sells different kinds of pears.
For more information:
Mr. Wang Rixin - Fruit and vegetable dealer (Chinese)
Tel.: +86 13573894797