The South African pumpkin season has started again at 888 Fruit Company on the Rungis wholesale market. The Dutchman Nico Schaft brought the first pumpkin seeds to South Africa twenty years ago, and that pioneering work has literally paid off. "We supply the entire range of butternut squash, Hokkaido and nutmeg pumpkins."
"From now until the end of June, we will receive weekly arrivals from South Africa. There are remnants of the Portuguese and French harvests on the market from the chillers, but the market is ready for fresh produce," expects Nico. "The price will take some getting used to in the beginning. The price of the Portuguese and French pumpkins is around 50 cents and the South African should still yield around 1 Euro, as the local South African market is also quite strong."
Last year was a reasonable pumpkin year, according to Nico, but that was also a reaction to the disastrous market a year earlier. "Two years ago 'every Tom, Dick and Harry' tried this trade, but back then there was also plenty of money lost by various players. That cleared up the market last year. I was also positive for this year, although the Corona virus is affecting the sales in Europe. Here in France it is also a lot quieter in the markets, because people are staying indoors. "
For more information
Nico Schaft
888 Fruit Company
Rungis, France
Tel: +33 145603640
Mob: +33 609814815