People planning to eat cabbage for dinner in honor of St. Patrick next week should have no problem finding that vegetable. Growers on the Central Coast and in the desert report they have plenty of cabbage on hand.
In fact, warm weather has bunched up production and led to less-than-ideal markets for farmers, said Tom Ikeda, who grows vegetables near Oceano in San Luis Obispo County.
Jack Vessey of Holtville, who raises vegetables in the Imperial Valley, said the market has been slow the past few weeks. He has red and green cabbages, along with Savoy cabbage, in his fields.
The Agricultural Marketing Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported cabbage shipping from the Imperial, Coachella and Palo Verde valleys of California was selling for $6.50 to $8.25 per 50-pound carton as of March 5. Oxnard District cabbage was fetching $6.85 to $8.95, with demand reported light.
A year earlier, desert cabbage was selling for $20 to 22.85, while Oxnard product was selling for $19.95 to $22.85.