"The market conditions of Chinese garlic recently improved a lot. The price is continuously changing, but since last week the overall trend is a rapidly rising price. The price began to stabilize in the last few days, because many buyers were hesitant to purchase garlic at such a high price. At the same time, the garlic reserves are still quite large, which will certainly have an impact on price developments in the next few weeks. However, large fluctuations in the Chinese garlic market make it very difficult to predict how the price will develop in the coming few weeks." This is according to Kevin Cheng of Shandong Sinofarm Food Co., Ltd.
"We still export garlic to the European market, but the volume is somewhat smaller than around this time last year. The current market is not very safe. The risks are quite high. We are even more careful than usual when we dispatch our garlic for delivery. We also maintain close contact with our import partners to guarantee that the export of our garlic proceeds without problems. We have not encountered any major problems so far, but the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly spreading across the globe and so we will remain vigilant in this difficult time."
"At the moment, there is still a definite demand for garlic in the domestic market. In addition to Europe, we also supply Chinese garlic to a number of other countries. Garlic is an important product that provides flavor to any meal and market demand is therefore still quite strong in many countries. Garlic is an essential product and many countries therefore continue to import garlic, despite a general lock- down of their borders. The isolation measures barely have an impact on the import of garlic. The garlic takes slightly longer than usual to cross the border, and that may delay the delivery, but that is the only noticeable effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on Chinese garlic export so far."
"We resumed operations in our factories more than a month ago. We have completely recovered and are operating at normal levels. In addition to garlic, we also sell processed garlic products such as peeled garlic cloves. The peeled garlic cloves are quite popular in the Chinese market, but at the moment there is less market demand for this type of product. This is mainly because the peeled garlic cloves are primarily used in restaurants and many of them are still closed.
"The overall demand for peeled garlic cloves is therefore lower than usual. In response to these changes in the garlic market, we have recently shifted our effort and attention to the production of fresh garlic. There is always a strong market demand for this type of garlic product. Furthermore, although we are quickly approaching the last stage of the garlic production season, the overall product quality of Chinese garlic is still excellent."
For more information:
Keving Cheng
Shandong Sinofarm Food Co., Ltd.
Tel.: +86 15275772069
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sinofarmfood.com