In times like these, companies can benefit greatly from a regional supply - be it with fresh products, raw materials or even labour. But even outside of times of crisis, the label "Made in Germany" has many advantages. K-D Hermann LLC has always been an advocate of short chains and distances and feels well prepared for the crisis. We spoke with sales manager Harald Jantzen.
Harald Jantzen at the 2020 BioFach
"We like to write 'Made in Germany' on our flag. Even in these not so easy times we have the great opportunity to prove to our customers the great advantage of the fast and the delivery capability we demand. Thanks to our own, largely independent production, as well as loyal supplier partners from the region, we can offer our customers the security of supply they have come to expect from us," says Jantzen. "This way, we can enable our customers to adhere to their supply processes and ensure the necessary flexibility in workflows."
"We see companies that are on short-time work and are therefore unable to provide necessary spare parts or other services. With our focus on regionality and proximity to our suppliers, we want to give our employees their full working hours and our customers our usual reliability. For us, security of supply and social security for our employees thus go hand in hand."
This is not a crisis plan, but the day-to-day business of the company: "The current situation will greatly improve the appreciation of regional partners. In any case, outsourcing rarely works out in our division," Jantzen knows. "If you look at the costs of production abroad to the point of delivery to the customer, you gain a few percent. However, if there are problems, or if improvements have to be made, then the amount of work is much higher and the price advantage is lost. We have to get away from the image of expensive German products. We must now show that we can keep up with other production countries in terms of price and at the same time deliver German quality products."
At the stand of the company contact at the expoSe 2019: Harald Boller, Kay Wagner, Harald Jantzen and Thomas Helfrich. These gentlemen welcomed existing customers and interested parties at their stand with sausages and coffee.
He emphasized the values of sustainability, reliability and integration into the German economy. "When you think of 'Made in Germany', you often think of 'expensive' - but it's not always what people imagine," he laughs.
There is currently a clear trend towards regional supply and a focus on increasing the degree of self-sufficiency. Whether this attitude will hold in the long term will only be seen after the crisis. "Until then, we will of course try to convince potential new customers with the quality of our solutions and our service - even after Corona."
For more information:
Harald Jantzen
K-D Hermann GmbH
contact Auszeichnungssysteme
Tel. (Durchwahl): +49 6272 922-420
Mobile: +49 (0)1725671973