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"Chinese trade in imported grapes is much slower than last year"

The first few months of the year are a slow season for Chinese vineyards. Grape suppliers mainly rely on imported grapes. Most of the grapes currently available in the Chinese market come from Chile, South Africa, and Australia.

Mr. Han of Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd. recently shared his analysis of current conditions in the Chinese grape market. He discussed the market conditions of Chilean grapes in particular: "The grape production season is very different this year. The season started out the same. The first shipping containers of Chilean grapes arrived in February, but the sales volumes are completely different. The market slowed down in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in February. There are only a few buyers. Even though the situation is improving and many markets are once again open for business, the conditions are far from positive. We mainly sell our products in Zhengzhou, but demand is very low this year. Our sales speed is much slower than usual and the price is lower as well. The price was almost 20% higher around this time last year."

"The outbreak of COVID-19 has had an immense impact on fruits sales in China. Our grape import volume is more or less the same size as last year. We mainly sell red globe grapes. However, at this moment we can not say with any certainty how the market will develop in the next few weeks. We still keep our hopes up and we have high expectations for the Chinese grape market. There has always been a fierce competition between grapes from Chile, Australia, and South Africa. This year, none of the grape varieties stand out for exceptional product quality. This became a problem when trade slowed down, because the grapes had a relatively short shelf-life. Furthermore, we are slowly entering the production season of domestic grapes, which will put even more pressure on the grape market."

Chen's Sun is a large-scale trading company specialized in fruit. The headquarters are located in Zhengzhou City, Henan. The company also has several branch offices distributed throughout the country. Chen's Sun mainly manages the trade in top-quality import fruits and premium fruits from all parts of China. The company supplies the Chinese market with figs, durian, blueberries, mangoes, longan, and pineapples. Chen's Sun can provide clients with services during the entire journey from production area to market.

For more information:

Bill Han

Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd.

Tel.: +86 155 1787 5257 
