Chile's Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) has authorized the extension of the Hass avocado producing areas of Peru that can access the Chilean market. This will allow small producers from Ancash, Apurimac, Ayacucho, Cusco, and Huancavelica to incorporate this fruit's export chain and access to Chile, which has a potential of 18 million consumers and a per capita consumption of 8 kilograms of avocado per year.
The National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) stated that, in order to ensure that the shipments meet the dry matter standards required by the importing country, they would implement a certification process in coordination with the Association of Hass Avocado Producers from Peru (Prohass).
At the same time, Chile's Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) will update on its website the phytosanitary requirements for the export of Hass avocado from Peru.
In 2019, Peru exported more than 312,000 tons of avocados worth more than 748 million dollars, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri). Between January 01 and January 19 of this year, the country exported 1,242 tons of this fruit.
The Netherlands is the main destination market, followed by Chile, the United States, Spain, Russia, England, and the United States; together these countries account for 85.49% of the total exported.
Peru is the world's second-biggest exporter of avocado, and Mexico is its main competitor.