Corn is an important product in the Chinese market, with production areas, such as Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Hebei, widely spread across the country. Compared with a few years ago, there are now more consumers who like to try new products, so it is very important to maintain the spirit of innovation and provide consumers with new varieties. In order to better meet consumer needs, many companies have invested time and capital in varietal development. Mr. Zhu of Zhangzhou Shangpinxian's Supply Chain introduced his new variety that was launched this season and analyzed the current production season.
"This is the first year that we market this variety. We grow this variety in our own growing center in Fujian and other centers operated in cooperation with other growers. It became available in May and can be supplied through December. Judging from the current market, the demand is pretty good and the price is relatively stable, with the wholesale price at about five yuan per half a kilo. I expect the price to develop steadily in the production season this year. " “Although this is a new variety, we have received positive market feedback,” Mr. Zhu said. “Compared with other varieties, the biggest advantage of this one is its unique taste. Our sugar content can reach 18 degrees or higher, which is a sweetness that other varieties cannot achieve. In addition, its appearance is also very different. Unlike ordinary varieties which are yellow in appearance, this variety is white, hence the name 'milk corn'. Thanks to this, market competition is not very fierce. We mostly pack the product in foam boxes and gift boxes and sell online, but we have also opened the door to wholesalers and supermarkets. In the future, we hope to further develop this variety in the Chinese market. "
More Information:
Contact: Mr. Zhu
Company: Zhangzhou Shangpin Fresh Supply Chain
Tel.: +86 177 5960 0002