Orgine Group has completed the Italian kiwifruit season with a significant advance on with last year. A season with a strong increase in sales, even though split in two by the Coronavirus pandemic.
“We have sold 3,300 tons of Italian kiwis on the foreign markets, with an increase of 49% on the last season – declares Origine Group Managing Director, Alessandro Zampagna -. Evidently Origine Group, whose mission is to promote overseas and to targeted European clients the quality fruits of its companies, is becoming effective.”
“Up to January the growth was mainly on the overseas markets, while in Europe volumes and prices were not picking up due to the strong competition. With the Coronavirus emergency everything has changed: Europe has experienced a robust growth in demand and consequently in prices, whereas on the overseas markets we had to deal with a number of different problems, from port blockage to sudden market changes.”
Overall positive season for Origine Group
“We have increased the sales, opened new markets and placed our kiwis on new retail channels, all maintaining and interesting return for the growers, also thanks to our presence on different markets. Our top-quality brand “Sweeki” keeps growing in Asia, and now we hope to resume our projects in China. In North America we keep growing, while in Europe our clients trust our product and service.”
Now Origine Group is focused on the sales of the quality kiwis of its Chileans members, in order to ensure the all-year-round presence of its brands on the shelves.
The consortium Origine Group was founded in 2015 by several companies, leaders in the international markets in the production and trading of fresh fruit and vegetables. The consortium represents companies already firmly present on the domestic and international markets, with a total turnover of over 1,200 million dollars, which have joined their resources to provide a top-quality product, working together on innovation and new varieties to look out into new emerging markets. Origine Group members are the Italian groups Apofruit, Frutta C2, Gran Frutta Zani, Kiwi Uno, Minguzzi, Salvi-Unacoa, Spreafico and the Chilean groups David Del Curto and Copefrut.