As the nation of Ireland begins to reopen, it is hoped that demand for the foodservice sector will continue to improve. Retail demand remains buoyant and good quality packing stock continues to command a premium.
Liftings of earlies continues with average yields reported. Queens are expected on the market in the next 10 days. This spring and early summer have been characterized by unusual weather patterns. Drought is now a main issue across the sector, some rainfall last week was welcomed by growers but the amount of rainfall received varied dramatically across the country. Irrigation continues in most areas.
In the UK, lifting of earlies is going well, but it is reported that demand remains slow for new crop with a lack of food service and lockdown affecting shopper activity. Reports suggest some of the early chipping material, such as Accord, got pushed back by the frost and is potentially 3 weeks away from lifting. Some good rain on the warmed soils could help boost this though.
Drought is still extreme across central Europe and up to the UK and Northern Holland and the industry is waiting to see how much rain will arrive this weekend. The free buy processing market is still almost non-existent but fresh markets are firm and there are still light exports to the Ukraine from Holland. Set skin new crop should be available in Germany from mid-June.