"This year's white apricot season is now in full swing. The supply areas have moved from Turpan to Kuqa and Luntai in southern Xinjiang. This production season is expected to continue through early July,” Mr. Shen Minghan of Shenguoguo Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. said.
White apricots from Xinjiang
"As we all know, the Covid-19 outbreak has interrupted the overall fruit market and affected the consumption power of the public. This has affected the sales of white apricots this season, mainly reflected in lower prices. Compared with the same period last year, prices have fallen by about 10%."
Harvested white apricots
“Fortunately, Xinjiang’s unique geographical location brings a natural advantage for the growth of these apricots and saves them from the extreme climate that has frequented China this year. Although the total production has seen a slight decrease from the previous season, the quality of fruit is still satisfactory, especially when it comes to eating quality and sugar content."
Farmers harvesting white apricots
“Our product is mainly marketed to wholesale markets and supermarkets across China via e-commerce platforms and the traditional sales model. We pack our product individually for online sales to reduce damage in transit.”
More Information:
Contact: Shen Minghan
Company: Shenguoguo Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
Website: shenguoguo.1688.com
Tel.: +86 136 0112 9084
Email: [email protected]