Although still a few months off, the Australian cherry season is shaping up to deliver a bumper crop, not least due to the favourable winter growing conditions.
In the most recent newsletter, Cherry Growers Australia president Tom Eastlake described the coming season as potentially delivering a "very large crop" with bud counts and winter temperatures adding to the significant crop load.
In order to head off a swamped market, CGA has taken the proactive approach of launching a series of videos featuring growers explaining how they prepare for harvest. "This will be a critical thing this year - managing the crop load," Eastlake said. "We want a season of high quality, large size fruit this season and thank you to all the growers who have participated in this series so far. We will be contacting more growers as we get closer to harvest and please get in contact if you would like to be involved in providing some advice on how you are preparing for harvest." reports that the industry will have a focus on the domestic market during the season, which runs from October through to February.