UK importer FreshPro Imports have established an exclusive agreement with MAVO the Myanmar Avocado Producer and Exporter Association along with the assistance of the British Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar to trial and develop avocados grown and exported from Myanmar on the UK market.
“We have already received a small air freight shipment and are currently assessing the consignment and will be sampling various sectors of the industry in the coming days, explained Chris Fagg from Freshpro. “First impressions of the avocado arrival are promising. We have also delivered samples to the Myanmar Embassy in London who were very keen to see the first arrivals from Myanmar into the UK. The first arrivals consisted of Hass, Buccaneer and Amara varieties.”
The main season for Myanmar avocados is October though to February/ March, but the country has different climates so supply would not be limited to this period.
It is very early days, but growers are looking to gain the appropriate certificates to be able to export to the UK. Currently the avocados are sold on the domestic market and exported to China.
“There are more growers coming onboard, but first we have to do some trials to ensure that shelf life etc will be good. We think that the Amara variety has good prospects as it has a similar profile to the Hass in shape and sizing. There are also other varieties which we think may fit other windows in the import season.”
Myanmar is developing as a stable country with its agricultural sector as the backbone of its economy, contributing 37.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) and accounting for 25 to 30 percent of total export earnings. It employs 70 percent of the labour force in Myanmar. Myanmar has established 12 political, economic and social objectives in its efforts to establish a peaceful, modern and developed country.
For more information:
Chris Fagg
Freshpro Imports