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Cambodian Ministry of Commerce signs MoU with Japanese agri-firm

On January 6, Cambodia’s Ministry of Commerce signed a memorandum of understanding with Japan’s Yamato Green Co Ltd, focusing on the development of  value chains for agribusiness products. Yamato Green has had relative success in growing safe vegetables in Battambang and Mondulkiri provinces. The MoU was a result of government policy to promote the agribusiness sector in Cambodia.

The deal was signed between Samrith Sakura, acting director-general of the ministry’s Domestic Trade General Directorate, and Yamato Green founder and CEO Katsuhito Nabeshima at the ministry.

A Commerce official said that Yamato Green’s involvement in developing a state-of-the-art production model will boost current local production and address the challenges associated with sustainable business model production in the digital age. “Small and medium-sized enterprises [SMEs] and farmers’ groups will be able to establish an inclusive supply chain and gain a competitive advantage for market penetration and broad diversification.”

Tropicam Fruit and Vegetable Co Ltd CEO Hun Lak told The Post that the partnership arrangement resulting from the MoU was a ministerial effort to re-direct more of Cambodian vegetable production towards exports.



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