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Price of large cherries remains strong

Chinese Spring Festival stimulates import of cherries

The Chinese Spring Festival [12 February, 2021] is barely three weeks away, and many Chinese consumers are planning their holiday purchases right now. Cherries are without a doubt one of the most popular gifts this Spring Festival. Supermarkets and specialized fruit stores all have their shelves stocked with imported cherries. Take Chilean cherries for example. Their supply volume has expanded a lot in comparison with last year. The product quality and sweetness are both better than last year. Furthermore, the overall price declined by around 30%. The prices of some cherry varieties even dropped by as much as 50%.

Most of the imported cherries currently on the Chinese market come from Australia and Chile. The cost price of Australian cherries is relatively high compared to Chilean cherries, which is why their retail price is higher. This price difference is on the one hand because Australian cherry varieties have limited production volumes, and on the other hand because the labor cost is higher in Australia. In addition, most Australian cherries are air-freighted to China and that further adds to the transport cost. Under these circumstances, Australian cherries are unable to compete on the basis of price, but the product quality is excellent. That is why Australian cherries are often aimed at the high-end market. The production volume of Chilean cherries is much larger and the price therefore lower. The sales volume of Chilean cherries is huge.

Chilean cherries

"The Chilean cherry season began in December when cherries reached the Chinese market by air freight. The price was then relatively high. At the beginning of 2021 the main supply switched from air freight to sea freight and the price came down. The price of small cherries is particularly reasonable. As for the retail conditions, there are huge differences between different cherry varieties and sizes. The price of top-quality cherries remains strong. The price of 3J cherries is still around 400-500 yuan [61.73-77.16 USD] per 5 kg. The price of Australian Kordia cherries is also quite stable at more than 600 yuan [92.60 USD] per 5 kg." This is according to Mr. Chen Weiwen of Guangdong Aimu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.

Although the supply volume will continue to increase in the coming weeks, as more shipping containers full of imported cherries arrive in Chinese ports, consumer demand will also grow stronger because the Spring Festival is around the corner. According to Mr. Chen Weiwen, "the period leading up to Chinese Spring Festival is a peak period for fruit sales, just like previous years. I think that the price of imported fruit will rise during the coming weeks."

For more information:

Mr. Chen Weiwen

Guangdong Aimu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.

Tel.: +86 137 2579 9280 

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