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Colombia and Chile agree on a Work Plan for the export of Hass avocados

After seven years of work, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), and Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) reached an agreement on the Work Plan so that Colombia can export its Hass avocado to that country.

“We were able to agree on the Work Plan on January 22 thanks to the work ICA carried out in phytosanitary surveillance and the official actions articulated with the technical teams of the farms and packing plants. We continue to provide producers with opportunities to market the products from the Colombian countryside,” stated Deyanira Barreo Leon, the general manager of the ICA.

Now that the measures have been defined in the agreement, Chilean authorities will visit Colombia to verify compliance with the measures and they must activate the work plan.

“Opening the Chilean market for the Colombian Hass avocado after 7 years of negotiations is proof that the country's Sanitary Diplomacy led by the Ministry of Agriculture and the ICA is doing things well. This new market has an important potential because of its geographical proximity, connectivity, maritime frequencies, days of transit that favor the quality of the fruit, that it can be reached via the Pacific, the growth of internal consumption, the interest of importers, the prices that final consumers pay for the fruit, and the possibility of supplying them all year round,” highlighted Jorge Restrepo, the director of Colombia's Corporation of Hass Avocado Producers and Exporters (Corpohass).

According to data from the ICA, Colombia exported 87,000 tons of Hass avocado to 24 countries in 2020.



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