The current wholesale prices for potatoes in Uzbekistan are 1.5 times higher than they were last year. About the same jump in prices for this product was observed in Tajikistan. There, wholesale prices have increased by 52%. Uzbekistan retained leadership in absolute values of prices for potatoes in the region and only last week lost first place to the neighbouring republic.
Over the past four years, there has been high volatility in potato prices in Uzbekistan. According to experts, in 2017 the price of this product increased by 90% and at the end of last year, the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan reported an increase of 42%. Inflation in these years also accelerated but the rate of price growth for potatoes exceeded several times both the general inflation rate and the group of food products.
What has caused the sharp rise in prices for potatoes in Uzbekistan over the past few years? EastFruit experts analyzed the trends in the production, imports, and consumption of potatoes over the past two decades to identify the main reasons for this growth.