Chile has boosted shipments of fresh cherries to India this season, a destination that offers great growth possibilities for this fruit. The country has shipped higher volumes and implemented the first fresh cherry promotional campaign in that country.
According to ASOEX data, Chile has exported 255 tons of fresh cherries to India to date, a figure that exceeds the 126 tons it shipped in the same period of the past season. The main varieties shipped were the Regina (37% of the total), Lapins (19%), Santina (11%), and Bing (7%) varieties.
“Chile and India have a commercial agreement that favors our country's cherries over the cherries of other origins, it also generates good expectations regarding future growth. China continues to be the main destination for our country's cherries. However, improving entry conditions and opening new destinations is not only important but also part of the sector's strategy,” said the president of ASOEX, Ronald Bown.
Good results in retail
Chilean cherries have also positioned themselves in the 2020-2021 campaign as an important product for Indian retailers, which also augurs very good growth projections.
“India's e-commerce business is booming and it will continue to grow. Thus, we anticipate that more e-commerce operators will look to sell Chilean cherries in the future, especially after the good results achieved by the retailers participating in the campaign this season,” stated Charif Christian Carvajal, Asoex Marketing Director for Asia and Europe.
Cherry-sh Every Moment
This season, the Cherry Committee, ProChile, and the Chilean embassy in India, carried out the first promotional campaign for Chilean cherries in India under the slogan 'Cherry-sh Every Moment'. The first actions were carried out in December, within the framework of the Christmas and New Year festivities. There were also activities in the Pongal festive period and Valentine's Day, among other celebrations.
The promotion was focused on promoting the presence of this fruit in India, as well as its health benefits, especially in times of pandemic. The campaign included actions in wholesale and retail markets, meetings with importers and influencers, as well as activities through social networks, e-commerce platforms, and television channels.