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"Boxed-ripening works best for bananas and mangoes"

The outbreak of Covid-19 created many serious obstacles for the global fruit industry. How do you make sure that fruit is ripe enough and still has a long shelf-life by the time the fruit arrives, when the distribution time is uncertain and market developments are unpredictable? This is one of the main problems in the fruit industry today.

Manager Wang of Shandong AWT Bio-tech now presents the ethylene-inhibitor packet as the solution for this problem. This product can be used for a wide variety of fruit and vegetable products such as mangoes, bananas, avocados, papayas, passion fruit, and tomatoes.

Manager Wang first introduced two commonly seen ripening methods. "Many companies transport fruit from production areas to ripening chambers and then sell them on the market. However, because of market competition and limited investment resources, the wholesale markets in many countries have no way to use ripening chambers. The second method is calcium carbide ripening. This method is primarily used by smaller companies. Unfortunately, calcium carbide is a harmful chemical that can impact human health," explained manager Wang.

"We have developed another solution in the form of ethylene-inhibitor packets. One box of fruit only requires one packet to ripen in a short amount of time. Companies who use our ethylene-inhibitor packets avoid the high investment cost of ripening chambers. And they can still adjust the moment their fruit ripens as well as the volume of ripe fruit to best suit the market. Furthermore, ethylene-inhibitor packets are easy to use, sustainably produced, and leave no harmful chemicals."

"Take bananas and mangoes for example, both have huge international trade volumes and there is always strong market demand for these two fruits. Bananas and mangoes generally complete the ripening process after they are harvested. Farmers often harvest these fruits when they are only 80% or 90% ripe, so that they remain fresh for a longer period of time. The fruit only ripens completely after it arrives in the destination market. However, the outbreak of Covid-19 has made distribution more complicated and affected market conditions in general. Market conditions are uncertain, and suppliers who ripen a large volume of fruit at the same time risk disturbing the balance of supply and demand, which leads to expensive waste. Ethylene-inhibitor packets help solve this problem. Our clients can easily prepare the ripening process of small volumes of fruit according to market conditions."

Manager Wang explained how their products works, "ethylene-inhibitor packets are easy to use. Clients place one packet within the plastic inner lining of a banana box, and keep the box itself within a regular warehouse that is kept at appropriate temperature and moisture levels. One packet can stimulate the ripening process for 13-15 kg of bananas or 5 kg of mangoes. The fruit only needs 3-4 days to ripen and is then ready for retail on the market."

Shandong AWT Bio-tech provides ripening solutions for global fruit suppliers. "Ethylene-inhibitor packets have been developed by our company and comply with Chinese standard GB 9830-88. Our product is patented and registered in Asia, Africa, and Australia. We work together with a large number of retailers in countries across the globe. Now that bananas and mangoes enter the market in large volumes, our company hopes to work together with even more clients."

For more information:

Wang - Manager

Shandong AWT Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

WhatsApp: +86 18615225880 

WeChat: +8618615225880 

E-mail: [email protected] 


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