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Thai durians overtake imported cherries in Chinese markets

The peak period of Thai durian supply to the Chinese market is every year between April and October. There are more than 200 durian varieties, but the most popular in the Chinese market are Mon Thong, Chanee, Kar Dum Thong, and Tomani durians. Thailand mainly produces Mon Thong durian, and this is the most commonly seen durian in the Chinese market as well as for the domestic market in Thailand. The color of the fruit flesh is light and the fragrance is not as strong as other durian varieties.

"Chinese market sales of Thai durian exceeded Chinese market sales of import cherries for the first time in the production season of 2020-2021. The reason for this development is a new law in Thailand that prohibitions the early harvest of unripe durian. The product quality of ripe durian is much better and this improves the market position of Thai durian. Chinese consumers are becoming more familiar with Thai durians and their popularity continues to grow, which in turn stimulates market demand." This is according to Mr. Liu Wenpo, chairman of the board of Beijing Runfuyuan Commerce Co., Ltd.

Durians in the Chinese market primarily come from Thailand and Malaysia. Thailand is the only country with permission to export fresh durian to the Chinese market. Relevant data shows that 70%-75% of the durian production volume in Thailand is destined for the Chinese market. The sales volume of fresh durian is much bigger than the sales volume of frozen durian. The wholesale price of fresh durian from Thailand is currently around 35 yuan [5.35 USD] per 0.5 kg, while the price of frozen Musang King durian from Malaysia is around 70-80 yuan [10.70-12.23 USD] per 0.5 kg.

"Everybody knows that Malaysia traditionally harvests durian when they fall from the tree. Farmers in Malaysia allow the durian to ripen on the tree and only harvest the durian that naturally fall from the tree. That is a competitive advantage over Thai durian in the Chinese market. However, as regulations in Thailand become more strict and durians stay on the tree for a longer period, the difference in product quality gradually begins to shrink," said Mr. Liu Wenpo.

For more information:

Mr. Liu Wenpo - chairman of the board

Beijing Runfuyuan Commerce Co., Ltd.

Tel.: +86 137 0106 6754 
