The AGEC bill (anti-waste law for a circular economy), adopted on January 30, provides for a ban on plastic packaging on fruit and vegetables as of January 1, 2022 in France.
In a few months it will no longer be possible to use plastic packaging on a large part of fruit and vegetables in France, a clear trend that is spreading across different countries.
Laser Food's Natural Branding© plays an important role in the identification of fruits and vegetables because it goes further and not only eliminates the plastic label applied on the fruit, but also, by maintaining the identification of fruits and vegetables, it makes packaging unnecessary.
The main reason for the use of packaging is mostly a marketing action to enhance a presentation to the detriment, in many cases, of the value of the packaged product itself. The consumer should not be conditioned by the appearance of the packaging, even more so when this packaging action causes totally unnecessary plastic contamination.
For all this, Laser Food created 15 years ago, in 2006, the indelible marking technology that we later registered for our machines and that is known as Natural Branding ©.
In those early years it was very difficult to show the advantages that this technology offered, so we received the support and endorsement of the European Union, within the area of Eco Innovation, which showed that the carbon footprint of the labels was reduced by 99%.
Today more and more environmentally conscious companies join the more than 50 customers throughout Europe who enjoy the use of our Natural Branding © machines.
Laser Food's technicians have more than 30 years of experience in the agri-food sector, which is a guarantee of success in the implementation of this delicate technology. It is not about burning the skin to make a mark with a high-power laser, it is rather the opposite: the adjustment and parameterization requires a knowledge of the product that our agronomist engineers in charge of each implantation apply to perfection, managing not to affect the commercial life of the product.
Our machines are fully modular, they adapt to the needs of each customer. Each machine can have different marking heads, include or not artificial vision to locate and mark automatically with high precision, incorporate or not the spray system for the use of the contrast liquid needed on citrus and melons, as authorized by regulation 510/2013 approved by the EU in 2013 upon request of Laser Food.
Therefore, in line with the legislation that is soon to be implemented, we can affirm that a world without plastics in the packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables is possible.
In November 2014, Laser Food had the opportunity to expand globally with the signing of a major agreement with JBT Corporation, a food solutions specialist with a presence in more than 25 countries. As part of the agreement, JBT now builds and promotes the Laser Mark system worldwide, making it more economically accessible to growers and exporters in key fruit growing regions around the world.
For more information:
Stéphane Mérit
Laser Food
Tel: +34 96 0700 522