How to avoid waste while at the same time keeping prices down? The solution comes from Fellini Patrizio, which has introduced 300 gram punnets.
"Many urged us to find solutions to avoid waste. Strawberries are a very delicate fruit and, although they are popular, families are not as numerous as they used to be and 500 gram punnets often do not get eaten straight away. This is why we have decided to introduce 300 gram punnets," explains manager Emile Fellini.
What is more, these punnets are cheaper, meaning consumers are more likely to buy them. "But what matters most is the content, as we are talking about zero-residue strawberries. This is our third year with these strawberries, and feedback is great."
"The fruits are grown with a precise strategy so as to limit, and often eliminate, anti-parasite treatments. Strawberries are certified by the CCPB and we have opted for them again after the success of 2019 and 2020, respecting all the parameters that enable them to be called 'zero residue'."
Thirty hectares of protected crops located in Albania are destined to this crop. "The company has an Italian management working in close collaboration with technicians and the top management, which is in charge of marketing. As for packaging, we have opted for 'Io Riciclo' fully-recycled cardboard for the first time and new-generation R-PET punnets. It is a new model without pluriball and with a unique corrugated bottom that improves air circulation thus enhancing the shelf-life and appearance of the product."
For further information:
Fellini Patrizio S.r.L.
Via G. Pascoli, 875
47035 Gambettola (FC) - Italy
+39 0547 659 777
[email protected]