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Mainly from Peru

PortMiami bringing in asparagus in record numbers in 2021

Since the new year, asparagus shipments from Peru to PortMiami have continued to grow after last year’s record and they are continuing to increase in 2021. In the first three months of the year, PortMiami has processed a record number of pounds of asparagus (14,149,601 lbs.). Miami-Dade County is a new gateway for asparagus from Peru to Florida, as well as for millions of consumers across the USA and Canada.

Port record
During 2020, PortMiami imported 148,783,407 lbs. of asparagus shattering the previous year’s record of 112,921,677 lbs.

Growth over the years
PortMiami is a key maritime port of entry for asparagus in the entire United States. Over the years, the volume of asparagus moving through the port has increased exponentially:

  • 2017: 26,231,936 lbs.
  • 2018: 69,991,600 lbs., up 167 percent over the previous year.
  • 2019:112,921,677 lbs. up 67 percent over the previous year.
  • 2020:148,783,407 lbs. increasing 32 percent over 2019, a PortMiami record

So far this calendar year, PortMiami has imported 14,149,601 lbs. in just the first three months alone, surpassing those same three months in 2020 by 13 percent or 1,589,480 lbs.

Recently Seaboard added an express service between Peru and PortMiami that has helped create an exponential increase in asparagus imports, as the express route is only nine days from Callao, seven days from Paita and six days from Guayaquil.

The significant increases in asparagus imports via ocean transportation to Miami demonstrate that importers consider PortMiami as their preferred gateway. Miami-Dade County attracts asparagus from Peru because it has an abundance of cold storage warehouses and experienced fumigation providers.

Majority from Peru
Peru contributes the largest share of asparagus that enters into PortMiami. The majority of asparagus varieties imported from Peru to PortMiami is green asparagus. Demand for imports from Peru have been substantial this year. A major factor for Peruvian growers is that the climate allows two full crops of asparagus a year, providing plenty of vegetables to Miami-Dade County.

According to Seaboard Marine, much of the asparagus comes out of the western coast of Peru and can be produced for most of the year due to special climatic conditions. These growing conditions make it possible to keep the asparagus industry active over the year and to export fresh produce at times when other countries cannot do so.
Empty refrigerated containers are sent via truck to various asparagus packing houses in the Western coastal regions of Peru where they are washed, classified, boxed and put in refrigerated containers.

“Despite the COVID-19 crisis, asparagus exports continued to grow in 2020 and will continue growing in 2021,” says Max Rodriguez, director of Peru Trade Office, Miami (PROMPERU). “This consolidates Peru as the main supplier of asparagus in Florida and the second supplier in the United States.”

Recently Seaboard has added an express service between Peru and PortMiami that has helped create an exponential increase in asparagus imports, as the express route is only nine days from Callao, seven days from Paita and six days from Guayaquil.

For more information:
Eduardo A. Cuadra
Tel: +1 (305)577-6435
[email protected] 

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