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Citrus fruit on the table directly from the tree

"To follow the trend, especially in the luxury H&R segment, of offering citrus fruit directly from the tree after a meal, we have specialized in the cultivation of these zero-residue plants," explains citrus fruit producer Antonio Torre.

Antonio Torre

"Despite the stand-off caused by the pandemic, the demand for table citrus fruit trees has restarted with increasing orders from Italy as well. We are optimistic and we believe in taking what is best even from a negative period. We have taken advantage of the fact our clients were closed to obtain certifications for our productions."

After this stroke of genius, the company has been commercializing zero-residue citrus fruit plants to northern Europe since 2019. Thanks to the ongoing requests from the big retail chains and H&R sector, they opted to focus on producing for the food sector alone. Now, with technical specification DTP-021, approved by CSQA, Vivai Torre holds the "zero residue" certification (synthetic plant protection products below the threshold of 0.01 mg/kg) and is the first Italian company within the nursery potted citrus fruit plant sector to guarantee the healthiness of the fruits on the trees." 

"We have continued to focus on environmental sustainability and biotechnologies in the interest of final consumers. For example, by controlling fertigation with the computer, we can drastically reduce treatments to well below what set out by standard EC 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food of plant origin (L.M.A.)".

The other certifications are: MPS ABC concerning energy and water saving, waste, fertilizers and pesticides; GlobalGAP I.F.A. (Integrated Farm Assurance) defining good agricultural practices to reassure consumers on production methods; GlobalGAP GRASP based on regulations governing employment and workers rights.

"Our next objective is to comply with directive EC 98/2008 on waste, with which the EU has established the objectives and deadlines for the transition towards a circular economy. In collaboration with companies from the vase and packaging sector, we should obtain the potted plant of the future. Packaging and vases can and must be compostable and therefore fully recycled. The first step must be taken by 2030, reusing and recycling 70% of the waste material." 


The products
• Lemons
• Red lemons
• Bergamot oranges
• Chinotto oranges
• Grapefruit
• Kumquat
• Calamondin
• Tangerines
• Kaffir limes or Papedas
• Finger limes
• Green limes
• Red limes
• Buddha's hands
• Cedars

For further information:
Antonio Torre
Vivai Piante Torre
98050 – Terme Vigliatore (ME)
+39 333 49 97 303