Trops and AgriSmart data have managed to produce Hass avocados with less than 350 liters of water per kilogram of fruit produced. This is a world record as avocado production normally requires 600/700 liters of water per kilogram.
Managing irrigation with the Precision Agriculture technology developed by AgriSmart data is an example of the advantages that the use of new technologies can provide to the cultivation of subtropical crops and agriculture in general, as it allows managing water, a scarce resource that is key to the development of society, in the most effective and efficient manner.
This important milestone was achieved thanks to the development and use of monitoring and control technologies for irrigation management and planning, after more than 3 years of tests carried out by the technical department of Trops and AgriSmart data.
The ability of the iTelemeter (AgriSmart data) equipment to take control of the irrigation automatically, the development of the algorithms that govern it, together with the constant monitoring of the growth of the tree and the microclimate of the farm have allowed having very efficient irrigation, minimizing tree stress situations so that the maximum possible productivity is obtained with the allocation of available water resources.
Precision agriculture represents a great advance in the objective set by Trops, within the priority Sustainable Development Goals, such as Goal 6 for clean water and sanitation: “Guaranteeing the availability of water and sustainable management.” This is a tool that will allow farmers to carry out sustainable water management, maintaining and even increasing the productivity of their farms.
These technological solutions are already available for application throughout the area and the goal is for farmers and agricultural technicians to start using them to improve agriculture from an agronomic, economic, and environmental point of view.
For more information:
Tel.: +34 952 500 700
AgriSmart data
Tel.: +34 606 306 800