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Europe's weather conditions slow down the demand for watermelon and melon

According to the report on protected horticultural crops from the Andalusian Government Price and Market Observatory corresponding to week 19, weather conditions in Europe have slowed down the demand for watermelon and melon.

The second week of May began with strong international demand driven by rising temperatures in much of Central Europe. However, the drop in temperature that started on Wednesday in the main European markets slowed down the demand for watermelon, decreasing commercial operations and accelerating the fall in prices.

Demand in the domestic market remained active. According to the report, high temperatures, especially in the southern half of the country, have favored the consumption of watermelon. The most demanded calibers are sizes 2 and 3.

In the analyzed week, Almeria's supply progressively intensified and greatly exceeded the figures achieved in the last season when weather conditions displaced the bulk of watermelon production to the first week of June. According to the report, by mid-May, producers have marketed nearly 40 to 45% of the watermelon that is expected will be produced this season.

The most outstanding events in the international market were the weight loss of watermelons from overseas and Senegal, the permanence of Moroccan watermelons, and the entry into the market of the first productions from Italy and Greece.

The Junta de Andalucia stated that melon demand continues to be slow and that, even though Almeria's supply isn't too big, competition from other production origins is significantly influencing the price of the product.

In week 19, farmers were being paid close to € 0.45/kg for the Galia melon. The report emphasizes that the Moroccan production exerts strong competition for the Andalusian product, as their campaign starts before Almeria's campaign and they set the price conditions in the European market.

Cantaloupe melon obtained the highest price of the varieties analyzed. The main consumers of this type of melon are France and Italy. France will start its campaign with a slight delay due to the unstable spring weather conditions. Italy is self-sufficient thanks to its Sicilian production, the Observatory of Prices and Markets stated.

Yellow melons registered the lowest price of all varieties this week. According to the report, yellow melon prices were weighed down by the moderate increase in surface area of this type of melon and the limited international demand during this week.




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